Interclub Recognitions

Interclub Award

The Kiwanis Club in the Carolinas District having the best interclub visitation record during each administrative year will be recognized and will receive an award at the District Convention held during the next administrative year. The Achievement Committee will choose the winning club at the end of the Kiwanis year by evaluation of the Interclub Report submitted by clubs. Note: An official interclub visit is a planned visit in which 4 members of a club participate; two members must be from a Kiwanis club and the other two may be from a Circle K or Key Club sponsored by the visiting Kiwanis club. If the evaluation of the reports using a set grading system results in a tie between two or more clubs, the largest number of member’s participation in the visits to other clubs in the division will be the winner. 

Information will be taken from the monthly reports.


Deadline extended to December 15, 2023

If a club completed an interclub with every club in its division, and completes the information on their monthly report forms, then the club will receive an Interclub Patch.  Information will be taken from the 2022-23 monthly reports that must be completed by December 15, 2023.
