
TechSoup is a network of donors and partners that provides discounted technology tools and resources to nonprofits, libraries, and foundations.  NGOs, social benefit organizations, and charities worldwide can also get offers through its NGO Tech Marketplace. TechSoup’s catalog includes more than 375 products from over 100 companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, Zoom, and Intuit. (For some of the discounted products and services, TechSoup charges a fee for the initial purchase.)

To be eligible to participate in the discounts and resources available through TechSoup, an organization must be a qualified 510(c)(3) organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. For our Kiwanis Family, that may include our club’s related foundations.

A Kiwanis Club which does not have a foundation registered under IRS section 501(c)(3), or which itself has not registered with the IRS under Section 501(c)(3), will not be eligible to apply for membership in TechSoup. Note that Kiwanis Clubs are typically tax-exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(4) and would not qualify without a related foundation, which is the entity which would need to apply for membership.

For eligible organizations, TechSoup’s network is vast and can save considerable amounts of your fundraising dollars to be used for the service your club provides instead of incurring costs to raise those precious dollars or fund administrative costs. Following are some examples of how membership in TechSoup can save you money:

Discounts on a variety of office productivity software (including Office 365), Windows operating systems, server software, and cloud subscriptions.

Discounts on Intuit’s popular QuickBooks Online accounting software and services which help nonprofits manage finances, file form 990, and file taxes.

Discounted subscriptions to products like Creative Cloud, which includes Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and more.

Discounted video and web conferencing software.

Discounted desktops, laptops, printers and supplies, installation services and extended service plans.
