District Treasurer

Joe Crostic

Joe has been a member of the Kiwanis Club of Southport-Oak Island since 2011. He is a Distinguished Past President of the Club and has served on its Board, as its Eliminate Project chair, its membership committee chair and has served on several other committees, including fundraising and strategic planning. He served two terms as Division 26 Lt. Governor (from 2017 to 2019) and was recognized as a Distinguished Lt. Governor for 2017-18.

Joe has been active in his Club’s Royal Readers Program, First Tee of Brunswick County and, most recently, its Kiwanis Reading Korner program where club members are recorded reading books for children and making the videos available on YouTube.  He was primarily responsible for the formation of the Aktion Club of Brunswick County and continues to serve as an advisor to that club. He assisted in the formation of the Kiwanis Club of Shallotte-South Brunswick Islands and is also a member of that club and has served on its Board.

At the District level, Joe served as the Membership Coordinator from 2018-2020 and has been a facilitator at Club Coaching Days each year since they were established. Joe also served on the District Education and Finance committees prior to his election as Governor-Elect. He is a Diamond Walter Zeller Fellow, a George F. Hixson Fellow a Carl B. Hyatt Fellow, a Life Member of the Carolinas District of Kiwanis, and a Life Fellow of the Carolinas District Kiwanis Foundation.

Joe served as Governor during the 2021-22 Kiwanis year. His theme for the year was “Engage and Share the Mission,” emphasizing the needs for serving more children, using public relations to promote our clubs and growing our membership as the District emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Joe is a retired certified public accountant, having had a 30-year career at KPMG in its auditing and advisory practices. His career included spending two years as the Director of Computer Auditing for KPMG’s Irish firm, during which time he lived in Dublin, Ireland.

Joe was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, has served on numerous nonprofit boards and the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education. He and his wife Carleen have 3 grown children and two granddaughters. His interests include golf, travel, photography, videography and reading.
